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Club 200 summer draw

Club 200 summer draw

Scott Evans17 Jul - 08:00
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Hope you are all having a lovely summer!

Hi All,

Hope you are all having a lovely summer!

We have the summer draw:

Mike Willson £200

Ann Storey £100

Don’t forget to update your Standing Order to £25 annually.

Also I am organising a show at the Platform if you could open THIS LINK Pete is my partner Jos Uncle and is a local lad from the West End of Morecambe. He recently did a show about the Iranian Embassy Siege he was involved in, that was fantastic. I have tickets or contact the Platform ticket office. Your support would be much appreciated.

quick update: my new mobile number is 07301 527539, cheers Warby

Thanks for your continuing support.


Warbys flyer

Further reading